Sagittarius A* – 1st Jan 3303 (Day 22)

Today I appear to have developed a minor fault in my canopy’s augmented reality display:

While this quickly resolved itself, I’m hoping that my ship is not also suffering the effects of space madness…

I’ve also added four new places to visit on my way back, which extends my trip by three waypoints too. The places I’ve added to visit are:

  • Eyes of Riker (Whambeia PO-Q e5-2321)
  • Gleeson’s Gem (Froarks GM-D d12-355)
  • Gibb’s Bridge (Syralia JT-V b7-0)
  • Blacklight (Schaikaei XJ-H d10-1)

However, I may or may not be able to reach Blacklight, as it does appear to be rather far above the galactic plane. The search for jumponium begins!

I’ve also passed Waypoint 13, so I’m getting pretty close to the Great Annihilator!


Current location Zuni CF-R c4-1948
Next waypoint Great Annihilator (487.53 ly, 28bcj)
Distance from Great Annihilator 487.53 ly (28 bcj)
Distance from Whambeia PO-Q e5-2321 4199.99 ly (236 bcj)
Distance from LHS 28 19284.07 ly (1081 bcj)
Incident count 2
Jumps made 81
Jumps remaining (best case) 1345
Space madness 55 %


Unsafe drop from Supercruise (into star causing overheat)1

Technical issues

Computer hardware lock-up while in-game1