Today I decided to pay attention to the minerals on planets, and decided I would try and find some polonium, so I decided to try my luck inside a crater.
However, space madness got the better of me, and I noticed that there were signals on my wave scanner coming from the large, steep mound in the middle of the complex crater. So I decided to see how far my SRV could get up the side.
Turns out the SRV is pretty good on this planet, and it made it up rather far up some very steep slopes.

.. and so I made it right to the top.
At this point, I realised that being so high, I was at serious risk of tumbling down the side leading to almost certain death. Attempts to recall my ship lead to the autopilot picking the most sensible place for it to land in the vicinity – at the bottom of the hill.
With only one thing for it, I began the terrifying decent – with what looked like a solid wall in front of me, the tyre tracks made it obvious that I was staring down at the crater floor.

Rather shockingly, I actually made it down to the bottom in one piece, though it took me quite a while to make the decent.

… and after all that, I actually found some Polonium too!