Nothing much to report aside from that which is below in the stats, and some pretty screenshots!

Pro tip: don’t put the external camera directly behind your engine. It gets… shaky… back there

Current location |
Eoch Pruae AG-O e6-7454 |
Next waypoint |
Kyloall KQ-X d1-4993 (627.5 ly, 36bcj) |
Distance from Myriesly RY-S e3-5414 |
8780.38 ly (493 bcj) |
Distance from Sagittarius A* |
1244.57 ly (70 bcj) |
Distance from Great Annihilator |
2921.48 ly (164 bcj) |
Distance from Whambeia PO-Q e5-2321 |
4199.99 ly (236 bcj) |
Distance from LHS 28 |
19284.07 ly (1081 bcj) |
Incident count |
0 |
Jumps made |
13 |
Jumps remaining (best case) |
2044 |
Space madness |
14 % |
Technical issues
Connection loss to Frontier servers | 1 |