A quiet session tonight – mostly dominated by two CFIS and the discovery of an earth-like world!
I see CMDR Braxton Doyle has actually now beaten me to Jaques, and if the rumor has it, I need to get to Jaques before Thursday – so JAQUES OR BUST!

Current location |
Eoch Flyuae SV-S c18-97 |
Next waypoint |
Eoch Flyuae KK-L b51-48 (337.82 ly, 21bcj) |
Distance from Colonia |
2371.15 ly (147 bcj) |
Incident count |
2 |
Jumps made |
33 |
Jumps remaining (best case) |
147 |
Space madness |
82 % |
Unsafe drop from Supercruise (into star) | 2 |
Technical issues
Local network firewalls causing connection issues | 1 |