Today I left Hutton Orbital, taking a bit of a backtrack to Oduduro to pick up that 2C AFMU I forgot to buy from Macomb Palace. After taking the SRV out for a spin and grabbing some materials, I proceeded (via Alpha Centauri) to Waypoint 0: LHS 3447 (6 jumps)
I made much less progress than anticipated today, thanks to real life getting in the way, but I’ve started the journey into the void. Being distracted, I tried to fuel-scoop a T Tauri star, and was distracted enough not to notice I was getting far too close to it, until I crashed…
- Got the Hutton Mugs!
- Leaving the Alpha Centauri system
- Waypoint 0 reached!
- I got distracted, my ship froze. Literally.